A place to start breathing again.
I have always loved the ocean and found in its very presence a layer of healing. Maybe it’s the salt water, the breezy air, and the sun on my skin. Maybe it's the familiarity of growing up by the ocean. Perhaps its deeper in that it reflects the feelings inside much like a mirror. Externalizing my internal struggle. Maybe it's the awe and wonder of God’s creation, and the memories it holds as many before me have come to the ocean searching for answers. I’d like to think that it is all of these layers, which bring out the beauty of the ocean.
Whenever I’ve found myself in a place of deep struggle, it feels like the ocean is pulling me under and I’m struggling against the current. It is only when I let go in those moments that it brings me to a place of healing.
It is the riptide of life.
If you are in a place where you too, feel that current, it is my hope that you will walk through the door knowing that I will come alongside you in your journey. Instead of raging against the current, we will allow it to guide you to an inner place of healing. Ultimately, my role is to direct you through the path to healing by pacing the journey, to allow you to surface for air, while also diving deep again.
If it is feeling heavy and deep today, and you need a breath of air, consider making an appointment that can change the direction of your life.
Christie Frenette, MSW, RSW
Owner of Riptide Counselling Inc.